MailerLite and ActiveCampaign: Which is the Best Email Marketing Platform?

mailerlite vs activecampaign

When it comes to choosing the right email marketing platform for your business needs, there are many factors to consider. Two popular options to compare are MailerLite and ActiveCampaign. In this in-depth comparison, we’ll explore the main differences between these two platforms and help you make an informed decision.

MailerLite and ActiveCampaign are both powerful email marketing platforms, but they have distinct features and strengths. To determine which platform is better suited for your business, we’ll analyze various aspects, including features, pricing, ease of use, design options, automation capabilities, list segmentation, landing pages, and more.

By the end of this review, you’ll have a clear understanding of the differences between ActiveCampaign and MailerLite, enabling you to choose the best email marketing platform for your specific business needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • MailerLite and ActiveCampaign are popular email marketing platforms.
  • Both platforms have distinct features and strengths.
  • Factors to consider include features, pricing, ease of use, design options, automation capabilities, list segmentation, landing pages, and more.
  • By the end of this review, you’ll be able to choose the best email marketing platform for your business.

MailerLite and ActiveCampaign Overview

When it comes to email marketing software, both MailerLite and ActiveCampaign are popular choices for businesses. Each platform offers unique features and pricing options catered to different needs. Let’s take a closer look at these two platforms to help you make an informed decision.


MailerLite is known for its user-friendly design and straightforward pricing. It is an excellent choice for small businesses and those new to email marketing. The platform provides essential email marketing functions and offers excellent deliverability.


ActiveCampaign specializes in advanced automation and customer experience. It offers a wide range of features, making it ideal for medium-sized businesses with complex marketing strategies. Along with essential email marketing functions, ActiveCampaign also provides deep CRM integration and advanced automation capabilities.

Both MailerLite and ActiveCampaign can help you effectively engage with your audience through email marketing. However, there are significant differences in terms of pricing and features that you should consider when choosing the right platform for your business.

Let’s take a closer look at the features and pricing of MailerLite and ActiveCampaign to help you determine which platform aligns better with your business needs.

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Ease of Use and Editor

When it comes to ease of use and email editing, both MailerLite and ActiveCampaign have their strengths and considerations. Let’s take a closer look at each platform’s user experience and editor functionalities.


If you’re new to email marketing or prefer a straightforward interface, MailerLite is a great choice. The platform offers a user-friendly and intuitive email editor that makes it easy for beginners to create professional-looking emails. The drag-and-drop editor allows you to customize templates and add content with ease. Whether you’re adding images, formatting text, or integrating elements like buttons and social media icons, MailerLite’s email editor provides a seamless editing experience.

Moreover, MailerLite’s signup process is simple and hassle-free, allowing you to quickly set up your account and start crafting your email campaigns. Once you’re in, you’ll find a well-organized dashboard that serves as a central control center for managing all your email marketing needs. From creating and scheduling campaigns to managing subscriber lists and tracking performance, MailerLite’s dashboard offers a user-friendly interface that streamlines your workflow.


ActiveCampaign also offers a drag-and-drop email editor, but it caters to users who require more advanced features and customization options. While this advanced functionality provides greater flexibility and control over your email designs, it does come with a steeper learning curve.

With ActiveCampaign’s email editor, you can fine-tune every aspect of your email template. From adjusting layout and colors to adding dynamic content and personalization, you can create highly customized email campaigns that align with your brand’s image and messaging.

However, the added complexity of ActiveCampaign’s editor requires a bit more time and effort to master. If you’re new to email marketing or prefer a simpler editing experience, you may find MailerLite’s editor more user-friendly.

Overall, the choice between MailerLite and ActiveCampaign in terms of ease of use and email editing depends on your level of experience and the degree of customization you require for your email campaigns. MailerLite offers beginner-friendly simplicity, while ActiveCampaign provides advanced customization options. Consider your needs and preferences when deciding which platform best suits your email marketing goals.

Design and Flexibility

When it comes to design features and flexibility, both MailerLite and ActiveCampaign have a lot to offer. Let’s take a closer look at what each platform brings to the table.


MailerLite provides approximately 50 mobile-responsive email templates, allowing you to choose from a variety of designs. These templates are a great starting point for creating visually appealing and engaging emails. Additionally, MailerLite offers a drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy to customize your emails and tailor them to your brand’s aesthetic.

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ActiveCampaign takes design to the next level with over 250 modern templates. Whether you’re looking for a sleek and professional design or something more whimsical and creative, ActiveCampaign has a template for you. Like MailerLite, ActiveCampaign also offers a drag-and-drop editor for easy customization, ensuring you have the flexibility to create emails that reflect your brand’s unique identity.

While both platforms provide design features and customization options, it’s worth noting that ActiveCampaign offers a larger selection of templates, giving you more options to choose from. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re looking to stand out with your email designs and require greater flexibility.

For a visual representation, here is a comparison of the design features and flexibility between MailerLite and ActiveCampaign:

Number of Templates~50250+
Drag-and-Drop EditorYesYes
Customization OptionsYesYes
design and flexibility

Email Marketing Automation

When it comes to email marketing automation, ActiveCampaign and MailerLite offer different approaches to suit varying needs. ActiveCampaign stands out with its extensive range of workflows and automation recipes, allowing for highly customized and targeted campaigns. The platform offers multiple triggers and split testing options to ensure optimal performance.

On the other hand, MailerLite provides a more simplified approach to automation. While it may not have as many advanced triggers as ActiveCampaign, it still offers essential automation functionality for customizing workflows based on specific campaign actions.

ActiveCampaign provides a wide range of workflows and automation recipes, allowing for highly customized and targeted campaigns. Multiple triggers and split testing optimize automated campaigns.

Here’s a breakdown of how the email marketing automation features of both platforms compare:

Workflow OptionsExtensive range of workflows and automation recipesSimplified automation functionality
TriggersMultiple triggers availableBasic triggers
Split TestingSplit testing capabilitiesNot available
ActiveCampaign vs MailerLite Automation Features

As seen in the table, ActiveCampaign offers a more advanced and comprehensive suite of email marketing automation features. It provides marketers with the tools to create highly tailored and optimized automated campaigns. On the other hand, MailerLite’s automation capabilities are more suited to those who require a simpler approach to automation.

Implementing email marketing automation can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your email campaigns. Whether you opt for ActiveCampaign’s robust automation features or MailerLite’s simplified automation functionality, the key is to choose the platform that aligns with your specific automation needs and campaign objectives.

Now that we’ve covered email marketing automation, let’s dive into the next section to explore list management and segmentation capabilities.

Email Marketing Automation

List Management and Segmentation

Effective list management and segmentation are crucial for optimizing your email marketing campaigns. Both ActiveCampaign and MailerLite offer segmentation tools to help you organize and target your email lists efficiently. Let’s take a closer look at the segmentation capabilities of each platform:


ActiveCampaign’s Segment Builder provides a powerful and flexible solution for segmenting your email lists. With this feature, you have granular control over segmentation based on various conditions such as demographics, engagement level, past purchase behavior, and more. The Segment Builder allows you to create complex segments by combining multiple conditions, enabling you to deliver highly targeted and personalized campaigns to your subscribers.

In addition to segmentation, ActiveCampaign offers advanced lead-scoring functionality. This feature enables you to assign scores to your leads based on their interactions with your emails, website, and other marketing activities. Lead scoring helps you identify your most engaged and qualified leads, allowing you to prioritize your efforts and focus on nurturing those with the highest potential.

Furthermore, ActiveCampaign allows you to create segments directly while crafting your email campaigns. This dynamic segmentation feature ensures that you can send highly relevant content to the right audience without the need for manual list management.


MailerLite’s segmentation features are simpler but still effective for basic segmentation needs. The platform allows you to categorize your subscribers into different groups based on criteria such as location, subscription date, or custom fields. By organizing your subscribers into groups, you can send more targeted emails to specific segments of your audience.

MailerLite also offers the ability to set up automations based on triggers such as opens, clicks, or subscriber activity. These automations enable you to deliver personalized messages to your subscribers based on their behavior, ensuring that they receive relevant content at the right time.

In summary, while ActiveCampaign provides more advanced and robust segmentation features, MailerLite offers simpler yet effective tools for basic list management. Depending on the complexity of your segmentation needs, you can choose the platform that aligns best with your business requirements.

List Management and Segmentation
Segment Builder allows granular control over segmentation based on various conditionsSimpler segmentation features suitable for basic needs
Advanced lead scoring functionality to identify highly engaged and qualified leadsAllows categorizing subscribers into groups based on criteria such as location or subscription date
Ability to create segments while crafting email campaigns for dynamic segmentationOffers automations based on triggers like opens, clicks, or subscriber activity
ActiveCampaign vs MailerLite

Landing Pages

Both MailerLite and ActiveCampaign offer the ability to create landing pages, allowing you to create a dedicated webpage to drive conversions and capture leads.

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MailerLite provides customizable templates and a user-friendly drag-and-drop landing page editor. This makes it easy for you to design and customize your landing page without any coding knowledge. Additionally, MailerLite integrates seamlessly with Stripe, enabling you to sell products directly from your landing pages and streamline your sales process.

ActiveCampaign, on the other hand, offers a more robust set of editing capabilities and over 50 customizable landing page templates. Their powerful editor allows for greater flexibility in designing landing pages that perfectly align with your brand. However, it’s important to note that landing page features are only available on higher-tier plans in ActiveCampaign.

When it comes to creating landing pages, both MailerLite and ActiveCampaign offer solutions that cater to different needs. Whether you value simplicity and ease of use or require more advanced customization options, both platforms have you covered.

landing pages

Automation and Reporting

When it comes to automation and reporting features, both ActiveCampaign and MailerLite provide valuable tools to optimize your email marketing campaigns.

ActiveCampaign’s Advanced Automation

ActiveCampaign takes automation to the next level with its comprehensive set of features. It offers a wide range of triggers and templates, allowing you to create personalized and targeted campaigns. From welcome series to abandoned cart follow-ups, ActiveCampaign’s automation capabilities enable you to engage with your subscribers at every stage of their customer journey. Additionally, the deep CRM integration and lead scoring features provide valuable insights into your contacts, helping you identify and prioritize the most engaged leads. With detailed reporting, you can measure the performance of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions for future improvements.

MailerLite’s Simplified Automation

MailerLite also offers automation capabilities, although it is more simplified compared to ActiveCampaign. With MailerLite, you can create multi-step workflows based on specific campaign actions, allowing you to automate certain tasks and save time. While it may not have the same level of sophistication as ActiveCampaign, it still provides essential automation functionality for streamlining your email marketing efforts. MailerLite also offers basic reporting tools, allowing you to track key metrics and monitor the success of your campaigns.

Overall, ActiveCampaign’s automation and reporting suite offers a more robust and comprehensive solution for businesses that require advanced automation capabilities and a deeper understanding of campaign performance. On the other hand, MailerLite provides a simpler automation framework suitable for those with basic automation needs.

automation and reporting

Other Capabilities

In addition to the main features mentioned above, both MailerLite and ActiveCampaign offer other capabilities to enhance email marketing campaigns.


  • A/B testing – Test different versions of your emails to optimize your campaigns for better results.
  • Personalization – Customize your emails with personal data to create a more personalized and engaging experience for your subscribers.
  • Product integration – Easily add products to your emails to showcase and sell your products directly to your subscribers.


  • Multi-channel messaging – Reach your audience through multiple channels, including email, SMS, and social media, for more comprehensive marketing campaigns.
  • A/B testing – Test different variations of your emails and automation workflows to identify the most effective strategies.
  • Goals and goals reporting – Set specific goals for your campaigns and track their performance with detailed reports.
  • Contact and lead scoring – Assign scores to your contacts and leads based on their interactions to prioritize your follow-ups and identify potential high-value customers.
  • CRM functionality – Manage your customer relationships with integrated CRM features like contact profiles, activity tracking, and more.

These additional capabilities provide you with the tools to optimize and refine your email marketing strategies, making your campaigns more effective and targeted.


When it comes to choosing an email marketing platform, pricing is an important consideration. You want to ensure that you are getting the best value for your money, without compromising on the features and capabilities you need. In this section, we will compare the pricing options of MailerLite and ActiveCampaign, helping you make an informed decision for your business.

MailerLite Pricing

MailerLite offers affordable pricing plans that cater to businesses of all sizes. Whether you are just starting out or have an established email marketing strategy, MailerLite has a plan to suit your needs. Here is an overview of their pricing tiers:

Free$0– Up to 1,000 subscribers
– Limited features
Basic$10 per month– Up to 1,000 subscribers
– All core features
Pro$15 per month– Up to 1,000 subscribers
– Advanced features
PlusCustom pricing– More than 1,000 subscribers
– Additional features
MailerLite Pricing

With MailerLite, you have the option to start with their free plan and upgrade as your business grows. This makes it an attractive choice for budget-conscious entrepreneurs and small businesses.

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ActiveCampaign Pricing

ActiveCampaign offers a more comprehensive set of features and capabilities but comes with a higher price tag. Here is an overview of their pricing options:

Lite$15 per month– Up to 500 subscribers
– Essential features
Plus$70 per month– Up to 1,000 subscribers
– More advanced features
Professional$159 per month– Up to 2,500 subscribers
– Advanced automation
EnterpriseCustom pricing– More than 2,500 subscribers
– All features and capabilities
ActiveCampaign Pricing

ActiveCampaign offers higher-tier plans with additional features and capabilities, making it an excellent choice for businesses with complex marketing strategies and larger subscriber lists.

Ultimately, the pricing of both MailerLite and ActiveCampaign depends on factors such as the number of subscribers and desired features. Consider your budget and business needs to make an informed decision.


In summarizing our in-depth comparison between MailerLite and ActiveCampaign, it’s evident that each platform caters to distinct needs and preferences in the email marketing realm. For those embarking on their email marketing journey or operating small businesses, MailerLite stands out as an ideal choice. It combines user-friendliness with affordability, making it accessible yet effective for beginners. To delve deeper into what makes MailerLite a great option, explore our detailed insights in “8 Awesome Factors That Make MailerLite a Winner.”

On the other side of the spectrum, ActiveCampaign serves medium-sized businesses or marketers seeking advanced features, particularly in automation and CRM integration. Its comprehensive toolset allows for the creation of sophisticated, highly targeted email campaigns. For a more thorough understanding of how ActiveCampaign can elevate your email marketing strategy, consider reading our “8-Step Guide to ActiveCampaign Email Marketing.”

Ultimately, the decision between MailerLite and ActiveCampaign should align with your business’s specific needs, expertise level, and budgetary considerations. Both platforms offer their unique strengths, and selecting the right one can significantly boost your digital marketing efficacy, enhancing engagement and conversion rates. Remember, the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts largely depends on choosing a tool that resonates with your business goals and audience engagement strategies.

Try ActiveCampaign here

Try MailerLite here


Is MailerLite or ActiveCampaign better for my business needs?

The choice between MailerLite and ActiveCampaign depends on the specific needs of your business. MailerLite is suitable for small businesses and those new to email marketing, while ActiveCampaign is ideal for medium-sized businesses with complex marketing strategies.

What are the main features of MailerLite and ActiveCampaign?

MailerLite and ActiveCampaign offer a variety of features for email marketing, including design options, automation capabilities, list segmentation, landing page creation, and more.

How user-friendly are the editors of MailerLite and ActiveCampaign?

MailerLite and ActiveCampaign both offer user-friendly editors for creating email campaigns. MailerLite has a more beginner-friendly interface, while ActiveCampaign provides more customization options and advanced features.

Can I customize the design of my emails with MailerLite and ActiveCampaign?

Both MailerLite and ActiveCampaign allow for customization of email designs. MailerLite offers around 50 mobile-responsive templates, while ActiveCampaign provides over 250 modern templates.

Which platform offers more advanced automation capabilities?

ActiveCampaign is known for its advanced automation features, offering a wide range of workflows and automation recipes. While MailerLite also offers automation capabilities, it is more simplified compared to ActiveCampaign.

How do MailerLite and ActiveCampaign help with list management and segmentation?

Both MailerLite and ActiveCampaign provide tools for organizing and targeting email lists. ActiveCampaign offers more granular control over segmentation with its Segment Builder, while MailerLite’s segmentation features are simpler but still effective.

Can I create landing pages with MailerLite and ActiveCampaign?

Yes, both MailerLite and ActiveCampaign offer the ability to create landing pages. MailerLite provides customizable templates and a drag-and-drop landing page editor, while ActiveCampaign offers more powerful editing capabilities and over 50 customizable templates.

What automation and reporting features do MailerLite and ActiveCampaign offer?

ActiveCampaign provides advanced automation features, deep CRM integration, lead scoring, and detailed reporting for analyzing campaign performance. MailerLite offers automation capabilities, basic reporting tools, and A/B testing.

What other capabilities do MailerLite and ActiveCampaign have?

In addition to the main features, MailerLite offers A/B testing, personalization, and the ability to add products to emails. ActiveCampaign offers multi-channel messaging, goals and goals reporting, contact and lead scoring, CRM functionality, and more.

How do the pricing plans of MailerLite and ActiveCampaign compare?

MailerLite offers affordable pricing plans, including a free plan with limited features. ActiveCampaign is more expensive but provides a comprehensive set of features on higher-tier plans. Pricing for both platforms depends on factors like the number of subscribers and desired features.